Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

BOOM CRASH BANG, Today is Independence Day!

Yippee woo hoo! Look at the lights what a wonderful night.

Family and friends meet altogether.

Cooking up treasures of so much fun say it together everyone!

"Independance Day Independance Day, tonight we declare our freedom.

Be joyful, make memories this only comes around each year!

Happy Birthday America,

Everyone cheer!"


Picture and poem by Lady Olivia.


Monica said...

Happy 4th of July!!

Kaycee Lee said...

Happy 4th of July to you too!

LocaChica said...

Hi, I'm new to your blog. I've really enjoyed reading some of your previous posts. One that particularly caught my attention was your Ni Hao(spelling please :P) post. You mentionted that the game, my chinese coach, works on your computer, correct? I'm learning a third language and I was just curious to see if they had it in the spanish version for a pc game?
Thanks so much :)

LocaChica said...

Thanks for clarifying about the My Spanish Coach on my blog. We have a nintendo ds, so I think I'm going to buy it.

Possum Princess said...

You've got a cool blog!
nice poem too!
♥Possum Princess♥

One of my Favorite Verses

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

1 Timothy 4:11-13