The M&M's tell a wonderful story by their colors! Enjoy this great way of sharing the gospel that I learned from Miss Lisa and MJ. If you haven't been to Growing in Grace, you really should!
The Dark Chocolate M&M: There's a darkness in this world that we all battle from day to day. This battle is the war between our flesh and our spirit and that entity we fight with is called sin. Sin is a dark nature within us that we cannot escape on our own. "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Dark chocolate is bittersweet and sin has it's pleasure for a season, but is not profitable for our relationship with Jesus. In fact, we cannot get to heaven on our own, because of sin.
The Yellow M&M: The yellow M&M reminds me of Heaven for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that the streets of heaven are made of pure gold. The second reason is that the Son of God sits at the right hand of the Father and loves us very much! Jesus wants us to be in Heaven with all His heart, but sin is not allowed in Heaven. God has always known that we sin, but makes Him sad because He knows sin cannot enter His heavenly home. Then Jesus raised his hands and said, "I'll go Father. I'll go to earth and teach the people how they CAN know for sure they can get to heaven to be with you." The Father and Son both know that there is a payment for sin and that payment must be fulfilled. Someone must pay that sin debt, but it has to be someone that has never sinned. That's when Jesus came to earth in the form of a man and lived a perfect life.
The Red M&M: After Jesus was grown and had begun his ministry here on earth, He knew the time was nearing that the sin debt would need to be paid for. Many people did not believe that He is the Son of God, as a matter of fact, they thought He was lying to them when He told them that "Whosoever believeth in me shall not perish, but have everlasting life and that no man cometh unto the father but by me." The people did not believe him and the penalty was death. Jesus knew this was going to be his fate one morning, but he willingly went forward, recalling His words to the Father, that He would volunteer to pay the sin debt so that all mankind could be in heaven one day. Jesus was lead to Calvary, after being beaten so severely that people could not even tell that he was a man. On the cross of Calvary that day, Jesus stretched out his arms and died for you and for me. His shed blood was the sacrifice needed for our sins to be forgiven.
The White M&M: Yes there IS a white M&M, it's just not in the classic bag you see in stores today, but rather through the customized option on their site and in some candy stores throughout America's malls. The White M&M brings me great joy, for it is the white that indicates the washing of our sins. Jesus's blood washed us white as snow, so that our sin is not seen by the Father anymore. It's the proof that we are forgiven for our sin nature and our ticket to enter the pearly gates of Heaven.One thing I could never understand is that the old motto of the M&M's candies is, "They melt in your mouth, not in your hand." Yet, my M&M's always left a smudge of chocolate on my hands. My mom could always tell if I had gotten into the M&M bags. Although we are forgiven by the Father, we still sin each and every day. After all, we're not perfect and we will always make mistakes. When we sin it does leave it's mark on us, whether it be through the tone of our voice, the expressions on our faces, and even the images within our own minds. That daily sin will not cause us to lose our home in heaven, but it will cause us to have a difficult time communicating with the Savoir. His Holy Spirit resides in the hearts of all those who have trusted in His death as the payment for their sin. The Holy Spirit wants to talk to us every day and express God's love and mercy to us through various ways. When we live in sin, making no effort to communicate with the Father, it makes it difficult for us to hear Him speaking to us.
The Green M&M: It's very important to keep your hands clean. Anytime that chocolate smudges onto your hands, wash it off right away. We do this by GOing to the Lord and confessing our sin and apologizing to God right away. If we go any length of time without saying we're sorry for our daily mistakes, it leaves chocolate fingerprints on everything we touch.If you have never believed in the Lord with your heart and you'd like to today, just tell Him. Just talk to God like you would talk to a friend or your mom. Tell Him you believe He is real and that He died for you. Admit you aren't perfect and that you know you can't get to heaven on your own because of your sin. Trust that He will say yes, because His very own Word, the Bible says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Once you have believed in Him with your heart and have communicated to Him that you want him to save you from sin and let you in heaven, He will ALWAYS be with you! You will still make mistakes every day, but God has forgiven you. Just remember the Green M&M telling you to GO to the Father and say you're sorry when you do make mistakes. His love and mercy is never ending!
One of my Favorite Verses
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:11-13
I love your M&M Gospel. We use to make bracelets out of colored beads to tell the gospel story. I had a chance one on a plane to share it with a young man...and gave him my bracelet.
Nice work dear!!
Hi Liv! I'm so glad that your Mom invited her friends to come visit you here. What a beautiful blog you've created. It is such a bright and joy-filled place! I think it is fantastic that you've taken something (M&Ms) almost everyone knows about and used it to glorify God. (I didn't know that there was a white M&M though!) As I read your post, I really was encouraged by your honesty and forthright way that you presented the Gospel. You have a great talent as a writer and I encourage you to continue sharing your love and relationship with Jesus through this medium! Glad to have met you . . . say hello to your Mom for me . . .
I just love the way you described all that for the gospel. You are a very special young woman. May you continue to love your Lord and always live to please Him, so He will bless you and those whose lives you come in contact with. This world needs women who are strong enough to be a shining light to show Christ to lost people, and I think you are one.
Hi Olivia, thank you for sharing the M&M Gospel that I wrote at Growing in Grace with your readers. It sure is a yummy way to share the gospel message isn't it. ;O)
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